Dec 12, 2010

Final peace or respite

If for mysterious reasons my opinions are taken seriously, I'll say that happiness is an interesting fusion between creative imaginings and serious delusions. In childhood, the nature of my dreams( and the purpose of sleeping) amounted to kind hours of magnificent exile from prolonged interaction with others. The central figures of my dreams were figures of authority: mostly adults and large dogs(two valid synonyms)

However, the great majority of my dreams detailed expansions of the universe. I often dreamt of space. In addition to identifying characters and color, I felt connected to the obscurity that is typical of a starless sky. Many times, I valued the life of awareness over spacial fantasies, specially if dreams advanced into the category of gratuitous torment.

At the age of 21, the recurrence of sorrow and deception and the joy of laughter are part of the same mixture. I understand happiness as a tunnel, perhaps equivalent to the succession of tunnels in the geographic landscape of El Cañón del Pato. Like happiness, youth is another tunnel. And I'm living both with a discreet starvation.