I grew a brain. That's what I told my friend. The brain developed according to the space inside my head. I can't describe the process, only that it evolved to fulfill adequate capacity. To my benefit, I had to transform my house( my room) into a facility which I modeled after a visit to a rehabilitation clinic. The air I breathed for the first months nearly severed the connection between my pharynx and lungs. My shoes collected dust around their perimeter. The walls learned to emit a solitary chemical. The cat meowed significantly less.
Everybody knows a functioning brain is tantamount to an imbecile dictator. The way I know is because I am the owner of one. Sadistic, angry and powerful, the imbecile dictator will falsify reality, turn it upside down, in reverse and sideways to control human emotion and even the calibration of time.
Under a functioning brain, the subject is enclosed within the fixtures of chaos.
I have mistaken my life for the life of a sad cripple.
I need you.